Must-See Shows During L.A. Art Week

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Must-See Shows During L.A. Art Week

There is no shortage of incredible events to attend and things to see during L.A. Art Week 2024. From Spring/Break Art Fair in Culver City, to Felix Art Fair at the Hollywood Roosevelt, to Frieze, L.A. , there's an overwhelming amount of great art to check out.  We've put together our short list of recommended shows happening around the fairs to help you make the most of the week:


1. Vincenzo di Cotis Crossing Over Exhibition at Carpenter's Workshop Gallery  - WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28 | 6 - 8PM

Vincenzo di Cotis

Crossing Over, by Italian artist Vincenzo De Cotiis at Carpenters Workshop Gallery opens this Wednesday. De Cotiis is considered one of the pioneers of international contemporary collectible design and this body of work is a continuation of the artist’s investigation into the urban environment, where the city becomes a place of contamination and a culture of displacement.  

The collection introduces a series of sculptural works, a palette of dark monochromes, and organic forms. Crossing Over continues the artist’s signature expression of recycled surfaces.  De Cotiis is all about the recovery of materials: hand-painted recycled fibreglass, semi-precious stones and metals all play a role in his monumental cabinets, the DC2117 Cabinet (2012), for example. These pieces are geometric and avant-garde, poetically brutalist and functionally simple. We cannot wait to see these in person!

As an architect De Cotiis creates sculptural spaces that evoke physical and intellectual experiences on the cusp of art and architecture, defying traditional categorisation between artistic disciplines. This is a must-see this week!


2. Wanda Coop Objects of Interest at Night Gallery - JANUARY 20 - MARCH 9, 2024 | LOS ANGELES 2050 IMPERIAL STREET

Canadian artist, Wanda Koop's large-scale paintings are on view at Night Gallery right now, Koop’s fourth solo show with the gallery. Coop has created bodies of work that have a monumental and mesmerizing effect on thew viewer, from large-scale painting, to mixed-media events that incorporate video, music and dance.

In Objects of Interest, Koop presents her new Bouquet and Bullet Proof series for the first time. Her characteristic horizon line is split in her compositions, creating crosshairs that resemble a gun’s sight. Coop first began inserting crosses into her paintings in the early 1990s after watching newscasts of the Gulf War, which aired cockpit video footage from fighter jets. It was the first war she could remember in which the American government released such horrifying live-action footage to the public. Koop has returned to the shape repeatedly in subsequent years, exploring it both as a cipher of the imagery of increasingly digital warfare and a mirror for the lens of the human eye. An exhibition of her paintings is as much an environment as an installation and worth checking out this week!


3. Alex Anderson | Everything is made of light at Sargent's Daughter  FEBRUARY 24 – APRIL 6, 2024 LOS ANGELES | 538 N WESTERN AVE

Sargent’s Daughters just opened Everything is made of light, Alex Anderson’s second solo exhibition with the gallery. We visited this show last week and got to meet Alex as light was pouring into the gallery, right on cue for the show. As the title of the exhibition alludes to, Anderson’s recent research has centered around concepts of animacy and energy, including the work of 11th century mystic Hildegard von Bingen. Anderson doesn't view this as a shift away from his past bodies of work, which have explored contemporary politics, racial identity, and consumption.  Everything is made of light is just another phase in his questioning what it means to be alive in the present moment. Originally from Seattle, Anderson lives and works in Los Angeles, CA. Anderson uses ceramics to explore the sublime experiences that make up both the man-made and natural worlds, as well as deeper, more complicated issues of race and cultural representation. 

This exhibition includes both free-standing sculptures and wall-mounted works that feature crystalline glazes and flowing, natural forms. They blur the borders and edges of the ceramic object, playing with open compositions and reflected light.By focusing on the metaphysical underpinnings of daily life, Anderson’s work offers a new vantage point on desire, suffering, pleasure, and materiality. Go check out his beautiful work! 


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